Monday, April 5, 2010


Easter morning started out with checking out the baskets - from The Bunny & Aunt Katy & family
After church we took this years azalea photos - hopefully our last with these particular azaleas. (they're one of the few things I will miss about this house)

Then it was time to hunt the eggs left by the Easter Platypus (it's more feasible than an egg laying rabbit. :P)

Alex promptly opened this egg and eyed the chocolate like he wanted to try

We decorated eggs on Sunday afternoon - we don't hide boiled eggs - it would be really bad to forget one.

Hope you had a Happy Easter Weekend!


Katy S. said...

I am so happy for you with the Azealas!! The pictures are perfect. I can not belive how freaking big Kathryn is. Hope you all had a great time. Missing you

Tara said...

Glad you had a Happy Easter and good luck on selling the house. All the kids are big. I can't get over how red Kat's hair is.