Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"First" Stop Atlanta

Our summer vacation this year was a trip east to see Rob's siblings (Katy and Mike), their spouses (Big Derrick and Tara), nephews (Little Derrick and Evan), Dad and step-mother (Dick and Jackie), and Grandma (Ila). Here are the first of the photos - I've decided to split this into 3 large posts, rather than one monster. There's a bunch of pictures, so be warned.

After a night at my parents and trading them our Saturn Ion and dog for their Jeep Grand Cherokee and Pack N Play and an overnight stay in Alabama - we headed off to Mike & Tara's. They had graciously agreed to host this crazy gathering of 3 siblings, spouses, 4 kids and a set of grandparents. We arrived and the kids hit it off pretty quick. (Left to right: Kathryn, Elena, Derrick, and Evan)

Kathryn & her baby cousin Evan
Granddaddy Dick and Elena
Me with Elena and Little Derrick (in the background is Evan and Lola)
Dick & Jackie with their grandkids, at least from this half of the family. As a special treat, we planned an early family birthday party for Kathryn. If I remember correctly, the boys slept through it, but our little part animal strapped on her hat and binky and joined the fun.

Catherine (Katy) and Kathryn
Kathryn's cakeDick and Jackie departed for South Carolina and that was pretty much Sunday (with the exception of Elena discovering a whole new wail during the night).

On Monday, the kids had a portrait appointment (there will be a post of the proofs later) and then we just hung out and enjoyed each other's company.

Big Derrick and Elena got to know each other better. Check out the matching grins.
Katy gave horsey rides to all of the babies
We managed to get some good posed shots of the daddies and babies

And of the mommies and kids
These are some of my favorites from Tuesday morning before we left. This one looks like Evan and Elena are mid-conversation.
Nephew Evan and Uncle Rob

Then we headed off to see Great-Grandma Ila in Richmond, VA. That post should be up by Friday (yes, I am stretching this out, insert evil laugh here)

Finally, I'd like to thank Mike & Tara again for hosting us all, providing beds for my family, food, birthday cake, and decorations. We had such a wonderful (if a bit too short) time!


Anonymous said...

loved everyone's different photos from y'alls trip. all those children are so cute! glad you had a great time, heather!

Katy S. said...

Great post Heather. I love all the pictures. I have already snapfished some!!!

Chris said...

You got some different pics too. So cute. I love that one of Evan and laney talking to each other. VERY CUTE!

Tara said...

so glad you all came!