Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Summer Bucket List

Ok, so I haven't done as well at updating the blog as I hoped.  We've been busy and I have been tired at night when things slow down enough for me to get on the computer.

I still read the others and I got inspiration from Jennifer over at "Still Living the Dream".  She participated in the Summer Bucket List challenge last year and is doing it again.

It sounds like fun - I love the idea of having a plan of things big and small that we want to do.  So far we have come up with the following:

1. Go ice skating (got to use that Groupon before it expires!)
2. Go to Chuck-E-Cheese (report card bonus tokens)
3. Finish Elena's Summer 2012 scrapbook (oops!)
4. Go to the "Dinosaur Bones Museum" (that was Alex's contribution)

A few of my other ideas . . .

Summer Reading program at the library
Go fishing
Try Geocaching with the kids
Sew a play outfit for Elena

I borrowed Jennifer's idea and I am going to put our individual plans on die-cut stars that we can hang up to track our progress.  If they are hung up, there is no way Elena will let me forget to do them.

I got them from the scrapbooking department so that maybe just maybe I can then put them and the souvenirs of our summer adventures in a scrapbook.

We'll see...

Monday, April 8, 2013

I'm back . . . I hope

So it's been almost 2 years since I blogged.  I read other blogs and I miss having a place to share my  thoughts, musings and record my kids antics.

A lot has happened in 2 years.  Kat has graduated from high school and is basically out her own.  She's working and living with a friend not too far away so we still see her off and on when her schedule lets her come over.
Elena is now in First Grade.  She's quite the reader (we actually have to stop her sometimes), she in a second "why stage", and she still talks up a storm.  She's in ballet and softball for the first time this year.  She's my girly girl too - the fluffier, the pinker the better - note the Easter dress.
Alex is 3 years old and proves it daily.  He's in his first "why" phase (between the two of them, car rides are full of information - thank God for smart phones!).  He's all boy too - trucks, roughhousing, sports, but he's a willing participate in his older sister's games too.
Not much has changed for Rob and I, besides the kids.  We're still working for the same companies we worked for 2 years ago, have the same friends, and enjoy the same stuff.   I've had a couple of firsts in the past year.  My first trip overseas:
I went to London on a project for work.  And the first time I was in a wedding (not my own). 

My best friend from college, Neil, got married in March.  I served as his "Majordomo" which apparently is a girl best man in Neil language.  (The bride had a "Maid of Awesome".)  Rob was one of the other groomsmen.
So that is a major nutshell of our lives.  I hope to be back soon.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pre-K Graduation

Has it really been an entire school year? Has it really been almost 5 years since she came into this world?
The pre-K graduation at Laney's school included a short play - "Chicken Little". Each child had a costume and memorized their lines. Elena was a bee who warned the animals that Foxy Loxy's short cut was a trap. Then they demonstrated what they have learned this year - the pledge, alphabet, days of the week, yoga, Spanish, and songs from chapel and music.

Elena marching down the aisle to be given her "diploma". They got blank rolled papers. We got certificates later.

With her teacher: Ms. Amber

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nearly Wordless Wednesday

Her geranium - she planted it, tended it and it bloomed. Then the heat got it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gymnastics + Prom =

One exciting Saturday.

We started with Laney's gymnastics demo. She takes gymnastics at school and after a school year worth of lessons, they performed one Saturday morning and showed us how they salute and tumble and jump
Her somersalt

Then we came home and began the prom preparations. I sprung for a professional mani/pedi. Then my mom helped Kathryn do her hair. Her date picked her up at 4:30 to get pictures taken by his mom, meet the limo and then off to a night of dinner, dancing and bowling! What can I say, the girl likes to bowl.