Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Photo Shoot

First, I have to credit Tara with this idea and it was her Target Photo membership that allowed us to order so many prints. I'll admit I had my doubts, but WOW! The photographer was amazing. To get so many great shots out of a 4 1/2 month old, 6 1/2 month old and a 10 month old was amazing. You've already seen her shots of Kathryn, but here is her work with the babies.

First, my girls:

Here are the little cousins: Elena (10 months), Derrick (4 1/2 months) and Evan (6 1/2 months)

Then the 4 grandkids together:
My little buddy Derrick:
And my little buddy Evan: Cute ain't they? I think I'll keep 'em.


Tara said...

glad you posted since our email at home is out. using the comp at mom's house so I can comment! glad you all came!

Tara said...

and nothing like my kid sticking his fingers in other babies mouths! At least they're family

Chris said...

Those are really sweet! Elena looks adorable in her little heart shirt. I can't believe little D is sitting up so well! WOW at 41/2 months that's awesome!
Evan is adorable as always....he loves to cheese for the camera!
Kathryn looks so proud!!

Kimmie Kay said...

These are great photos Heather! Elena is just adorable, I miss them when they were that young. :)