Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Enter Granddaddy

Rob's Dad flew down to join us on Tuesday. He was able to stay until Friday afternoon and it was great! The first of many times we buried Kat in the sand:

Proof Rob comes by it honest. Our "Super heroes"
We went to one of the Condo's pools most days and Laney learned to do this. Goody! (insert sarcasm here) Hey, Laney, what does a monkey do?
Dick took us out to dinner on Wednesday night. Kat & Granddaddy with their balloon parots, George and Georgina. Granddaddy and his girls.
I mentioned we buried Kathryn several times. Here is the mermaid: Here is the octopus. It reminded me of Ursula from "The Little Mermaid", a movie I have seen many, many, many, many times thanks to my two girls.

Hanging with Granddaddy. Who is far more patient about opening and closing water bottles and fetching grapes than Mommy is sometimes.

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