Monday, September 28, 2009

The last 27 days

I just caught the day of my last post - 27 days, wow. Not sure if I've ever gone that long. What have we been up to?

It's football season. Kat's marched in 4 football games. She's also been to two Homecoming dances - her own & one with a friend from another school. She came home from band very excited tonight because they now know their entire marching show. They have their first marching contest this Saturday. I sit here multi-tasking and updating my calendar to keep track of where our busy sophmore is due to be each day.

Elena is still doing well. She recently started attending Tumble Tykes - which a gymnastics class that meets on a bus at her school. She was so excited to get to join her classmates. Her little class is keeping them busy - they take Spanish daily, and have yoga, music & chapel once a week.

I'm making it. I try to remember that it could be so much worse. I am uncomfortable. I am carrying this baby very low, so I have more swelling and pain that would be normal at this stage. I am bushed by the time 4 PM rolls around each day - a bonus is that overtime is now a big no-no. But I am still able to work and I still have a job (we had layoffs a few weeks ago).

Rob is super supportive husband, roomba pro - that little gadget is getting some use with the house on the market, and band dad extraordinaire. And he's studying for a certification.

The house has been on the market almost 5 weeks. We dropped the price about 2 weeks ago because we had only had a few showings. We had 5 showings in the last 9 days - 2 this afternoon! It's been crazy. Hopefully, the craziness will result in something. I am ready to start looking at real houses - not just online.

Cute pre-schooler story on the house showing thing - Laney & I ended up in the house during one of the showings tonight. The idea was to rush in, apologize for interrupting, let the dog out, fix her dinner and put her back in the crate and leave them to it. By the time I had the dog food in the dish - they were done (I hope I didn't rush them, but they were in the back yard when we came in, so I don't think so). As the agent was leaving, she said, "You have a lovely home." Now I am not taking that to mean anything, she was being polite. But Laney looks me after they leave and says, "They liked our house. We can get a new one tomorrow." Ah, to be 3 and optimistic and have no concept of time.

I would love for Laney to be right. I am tired of living what I have come to term as "life on hold". A good chunk of our stuff is in a storage unit. More of it is in sealed boxes in the attic and in a closet upstairs. I had to buy a new glue gun to make Kathryn's homecoming mum. A friend asked for a scan of something and I had to admit I had no idea where the book was. I also have this basic policy against bringing anything non-consumable into the house right now - so the girls have gotten used to hearing, "When we get the new house" or "after the move". Half of Laney's birthday presents had to get packed up and put away before she could even enjoy them. I haven't done much prepping for the new baby either. I am looking forward to setting up the nursery again & I need to see what's in those boxes to see what else we need/want for this little guy.

So wish us luck - if you're the praying type - pray for a sale & a purchase that work out with the kind of timing we need. And I'll try not to stay gone quite so long this time.


Katy S. said...

It is amazing how much life throws at us but we are never given more than we can take. The girls will be so excited to have the move complete that all the tough times will be long gone. Tell me more of the roomba...

Tara said...

Glad you're all doing well. I hope you get a little more time to rest. I am praying that things go the way you want them to as well.

I also need to update my page but I'm just not into it right now.

Angela said...

Hang in there!! I will be praying for you and your family. Take care.