Wednesday, January 20, 2010

6 Weeks Old

Alex turned 6 weeks old last Friday. Here are a couple of his Toby pictures:
Today I took him for professional portraits with the good folks at JCPenny. Of course, he decided last night that sleeping was something other people should do - not him or me. So by the time we got to take pictures he was sound asleep. I'm counting myself lucky because the other option with that little sleep was screaming his head off. These are some of the poses we purchased:

I loved this creation they put together, but it was a little too expensive for my taste.

The boy did open his eyes for a couple of shots - this one cracks me up - he looks like he's making faces - nyah nyah nyah nyah.


Tara said...

He's adorable. Those are great pics too.

Chris said...

WOW six weeks already?? My how time flies! Those are great pics and you won't care what you spent when you look back on them!