Sunday, August 1, 2010

Weekend update

Mom is the mountains and occasionally checking the web so I thought I'd try to be more consistent with the blogging.

We've had a semi-productive weekend. We moved the kitchen table (a rectangle) into the dining room and moved the dining room table (a circle in its smallest form) into the kitchen. In order to do this, I unpacked the last few kitchen boxes and moved a lot of boxes around.

We also finished the DVD organization. Probably a good thing not very many movies have come out lately that we like enough to buy. Same with TV series.

I cleared the mantle of random hardware and put the 8 x 10 pictures of the kids up. In the process I loaded the most recent pics into the frames. Turns out I never sent any of Laney's 3 year old pictures out - I still have the grandparent 5 x7s and full sheets of wallets meant for family and friends. Oops.

Laney's room is officially unpacked. I am almost afraid to say that in case there is one sneaky box hiding somewhere. We went through the hand me downs - washed some, put some in drawer ready for cooler weather, hung up the dresses and put the rest away in a plastic tub. Her room is done, with the exception of wall art. I have a poster & a painting to hang and I bought her some new Princesses for her walls. That'll just have to wait until most of the boxes are gone.

The initial round of school supplies is purchased. I don't have a list yet for Laney, that will most likely be issued in her first week. I bought Kat the basics - pens, pencils, folders. We'll still have to buy the random essential items required by her teachers. Most likely at least one item will require a trip to a specialty store.

Alex is learning to clap. One of the ladies in the church nursery mentioned it to me (the same one who convinced him to hold his own bottle). He doesn't get both hands together every time, but he is definitely working on it.

Laney swam without her life jacket today. She was kicking around the pool with just the noodle. I am ready to try to get her float belt like they used in swimming lessons last year.

Band camp starts tomorrow.

My boss & my coworker are back from vacation (they didn't go together, just at the same time). Hallelujah. It was a little nuts last week.

I think that covers it.

1 comment:

Chris said...

You probably won't need any school supplies for Laney. If it's a State run Pre-K like it is here in GA they told us to bring NOTHING they supply it all. Our pre-k just requires a change of clothes for the cubby just in case, and nothing else. They supply all the things that they need. I hope this helps and is true in your case as well.