Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pharoah, Pharoah!

Time to walk like an Egyptian - we're teaching the life of Moses. Here's Rob as our host, Professor Diggs, who is a bit archeologist, a bit surfer dude, dig it?

Today we covered Pharoah & the plagues. Here's our pharoah, our good buddy Dave, who vaguely resembles a chicken in my opinion:
So, we start simple, we turn the water to "blood" with a little food coloring
Mr. Matt, the cow, dies
We're almost done, Pharoah has been pummeled by frogs, rice as "gnats", and paper wads as "hail", had red sticker boils put on him, and been attacked by clothes-pin locusts.

Finally, who turned out the lights?

Best parts of class - Dave is still talking to us after all of this & the kids actually groaned when we told them they had to wait until next class to learn about the final plague. They may be disappointed when it doesn't involve throwing anything at an adult, but I'll take wha I can get.


Melanie said...

I wish that I had Sunday School teachers like you guys when I was younger. It seems that our generation does tend to go with the fun in class to encourage learning. We do the same kinds of things with our kids.

Kimmie Kay said...

I bet the kids in that class will never forget that! I agree with Mel, awesome way to get the lesson across.

Angela said...

What a great idea. I bet the kids love it. Keep up the good work.

Sorry, it took me so long to comment. I have been really busy trying to make the rounds a few a night.

Anonymous said...

haha! too funny! love it!

Tara said...

sounds like a fun class. Sorry I have been absent and haven't commented in a while.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Heather!