Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day & more

My Mother's day got started a week early - Rob, Kathryn & Elena took me to Olive Garden for lunch on the 4th, since Kat spends Mother's Day with her Mom and rightfully so.

On Saturday, we visited my parent's who are staying in a campground about an hour from our house. My future sister-in-law, Lauren graduated from college on Saturday and then she & my brother are getting married this coming weekend so my parents are camped out nearby to save gas. (Check out the wedding website on my links)

Our first order of business after a little lunch was to hit the playground. Here Elena tries out the tire swing.

She learned to climb the ladder up to the slide and come down on her own.
After a nap, we're headed to the pool. I put the hat on for the picture only. First, she's not keen on hats. Second, it was very overcast. We slathered on the sunscreen, 'cause you can still get burned but I didn't see a need for the hats. Oh, and check out the cutie-patootie bathing suit Elena picked out herself.
We did some swimming. This kiddo never fails to suprise me. We tried out the baby pool & it actually scared her a bit. I never would have guessed, but when you think about it, it's harder to walk in water, even if it's only a foot deep.
That was the majority of the weekend, but I did get the gift I asked for. A nap! Elena was so tired after her day with the grandparents she took a 3 hour nap on Sunday and I got a 2 hour nap. I also got 2 dozen red roses & some great cards.

This is it for a few days. Kat's final Junior High band concert is tomorrow. That's right, this is it. At the next concert, she'll be in HIGH SCHOOL. Holy Cow! Then the above mentioned wedding consumes our lives for a weekend. I'll try to have wedding pics up early next week. Have a fabulous weekend.


Katy S. said...

I am gald to see the sombrero made it over the winter. It looks like you had a super fun day. Happy Mother's Day Heather.

Melanie said...

What a great post. I loved all of the pics! Elena's piggy tails are to die for! Glad that you had a great Mother's Day that included a nice, long nap!!!

Tara said...

Cute pictures as always. Elena is getting so big. Have a great weekend.

Chris said...

YAY! New pics. I've been reading just took me a while to comment! You look great and I'm glad you had a great Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

Laney gets cuter everytime i see pics of her! love her little outfit!

glad you had a great Mom's Day!

Kimmie Kay said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day Heather!!!