Sunday, July 13, 2008

Whoda thunk it?

See what this is? This is my baby girl in her pool in the backyard and what's that? That's a smile!
We spent a few minutes out there today. I got in and pulled her in with me. We also added her water wheel toy from the bathtub.
She had a blast squeezing out the splash balls to make the water wheels turn.
This is fantastic. I was a bit concerned about our family vacation to the beach in Florida if she didn't get to a point where she could at least in enjoy the water for a few minutes. Apparently, she needs to be forced in and then she has a good time.

We had another good sign a few weeks ago with my parents. This is day two in the pool with Mama Janie & Daddy Ron:
Check out our little fishy kicking her feet with Daddy!
Here's hoping all these good feelings continue and are joined by good weather in Destin!


Anonymous said...

Oh, what cutie pie pics of Miss Laney! she's too adorable!!

Have a great week, Heather!

Melanie said...

Some kids just have to warm up to the water. I am glad that Laney finally did in time for your vaca. I hope that you have a great time and can't wait to see pics!

Chris said...

Have a great trip! Laney is a cutie pie as usual! Good for you for getting her used to the water. I think it's important for kids to not be afraid of it and learn to swim!