Thursday, February 1, 2007

And the winner is . . .

The contest - Most likely to keep Christmas with them all year long.

The Semi-Finalists:

Me - I just took down my wreath that I change with the seasons because I haven't taken the poinsettas and holly off it to replace it with the winter roses

My co-workers who haven't taken down their Christmas cards

The Finalists:

My neighbors - several of them still have their Christmas lights up and one still has one of those deer that light up and a bell hanging in their entry way.

But the winner, and Champion -

The house on my commute - who get this, not only has still their Christmas tree up, but also had it in a front window this morning, lit.

Yup, your prize is one very dusty Santa that was forgotten on an end table until October. Congratulations!

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