Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Paradigm shift

I was having a bit of a pity party this weekend. I had plans. They didn't happen. Nothing too spectacular, but they were MY plans. Kat was out of school on Friday so I took the day off. We were going to send Elena off to day care and then Kat & I were going to the mall for shopping, lunch & seeing a movie.

Yeah, right. Elena started breathing too heavy on Wednesday night. Didn't get any better with on Thursday with OTC medicine so our Friday turned into a day at the doctor's office. Whoot! Elena's better with treatment, although I have to say it is a bit creepy to see your 2 year old with a nebulizer mask strapped to her face. The doctor is also relatively optimistic that this will be a one time thing. Oh, and I discovered a new game that will entertain a two year old who has been in the doctor's office for 2 hours - it involves the doctor's rolling stool and pushing off the wall with your feet.

We spent the weekend inside, not doing much of anything. Telling Laney she couldn't go outside to play. Watching Muppets & Mickey Mouse. Not napping for some reason! I'm not sure what I wanted to do on Saturday, but that wasn't it.

I've started reading a couple of new blogs recently. One is Kelly's Korner - she recently brought her daughter home after a long stay in NICU. One of the things I love is that despite what she has been through & is going through, she's still praying for others. From her blog I made it over to Dirty Knees the other night. My paradigm shifted. I am extremely thankful for my relatively healthy 2 year old who is quickly on the road to recovery. I think I had a pretty good weekend after all.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Sorry to hear that Laney had a rough weekend. I understand completely about wanting to get out! I'm glad she's getting better. Have a good rest of the week!