Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Our little night owl

What are we gonna do with her?

Elena has a regular bed time at 8 PM. Usually, no problemo. Last night, Rob put her to bed. I walked by her room 45 minutes later and I could hear her jabbering. I went in, tucked her back in, and thought she went to sleep. A couple of hours pass and I hear . .

"Mama! Mama! Mama!"

I go into her room expecting to find a bleary eyed, half asleep kiddo like I usually find when she wakes up in the night. Instead I find her bright eyed, bushy tailed and . . . wearing her shoes.

She had also added 4 blankets and about 8 wash cloths to her bed. And two books. Great googily moogily!

It wasn't funny then (when I was feeling sorry for her poor teachers) but it's freaking hillarious now.

1 comment:

Katy S. said...

Wearing shoes?? Guess she is getting ready of sleep walking!!