Friday, May 14, 2010

5 months old

On May 4, my little man turned 5 months old. I took his Toby pictures in the morning, knowing there was no way they'd get taken that night.

One of his new favorite places to hang out is the Bum*bo chair. I put him on the bathroom counter in the morning (within arms reach at all times!) while I brush my teeth and put on make-up. We have a pretty good time most mornings but when I got the camera out, he'd had enough - it's time to eat Mommy!
Here's the little guy after his bottle & in a much better mood.
So, what's 5 months brought us? Size 6 months clothes (Carters) size 3-6 month in every other brand. He sleeps pretty well- he falls asleep most nights between 7:30 and 8:00 and sleeps until sometime between 5 and 6 AM. But he also likes to sing to the ceiling at 4 AM some mornings.
He was eating 6 oz five times a day but I think we're switching to 7 now. He's also eating solid foods like a trooper - he really likes carrots and sweet peas.
He enjoys his soft toys, he has a lion that makes crinkly noises that he plays with in the morning and blanket bear that goes everywhere with him when he's in the car seat. He also likes to play in his exersaucer at home and day care. He got to start riding in the buggy at school too.
He smiles a ton - even with a pacifier in his mouth or asleep. He giggles a lot too - unless I am trying to get him on video!
He loves his sisters! And they love him. Rob & I both picked up kids from day care yesterday so we could both use the HOV lane and Laney was so upset to not have her brother in the car!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Evan was that way with Conner yesterday leaving t-ball. He had tears streaming because he needed his brother. They are all at a sweet age range. Too bad it won't be like this forever!