Sunday, April 1, 2007

Palm Sunday

It's been a long week - thus no blogging. Work has been nuts (and I din't work nearly as long as my co-workers) but here's hoping it's all over for this year. I could blog for a day and a half on all that's happened, but I'd rather just see the back of it.

Laney turned 7 months old Friday, and in some ways I feel like I missed it. I remember reading something about being a working mom - it talked about theletting go of the importance of firsts. I guess that can hold up with "birthdays" too. We had a lot of fun today when she turned 7 months and 2 days. As most of you know today is Palm Sunday. Our church hands out palm crosses at the beginning of the palm litany. They even gave Laney one today. She had a great time with it. We also did some shopping and got in some play time on the floor.

The crazy week continued at church today, too. I teach Sunday School and our class exploded today. We normally have about 4 kids. Today, between the children's choir - which brought kids who normally attend church, but not Christian Ed, and the fact that it was Palm Sunday, we had 19! What a blessing and a lesson in controlled chaos. Hopefully they took something meaningful away from class, we certainly had a lot of fun.

Hope you have a quiet, prayerful holy week as we prepare for the miracle of next Sunday.


Katy S. said...

I can not belive that she is 7 months! She is such a big girl! I am glad to hear that the calss went well. I was getting nervous just reading the story. I could only imagine what you were thinking.

Anonymous said...

adorable picture of laney with the palm!