Monday, November 19, 2007

Gratitude - Thanksgiving dinner edition

1. Pillsbury pie crust - the roll out kind. While not as yummy as AM's real thing (complete with lard) it's tasty & easy and I don't regret volunteering to make the apple pie.

2. My apple corer - makes apple pie mentioned above easier. Cuts down on the slicing significantly.

3. My mom's making the dressing - the one Thanksgiving food I don't know how to make. I should learn at some point, unfortunately Mom's not going to be around forever.

4. Reynold's Turkey bag - faster cooking time, easy clean up. 'Nuff said.

5. Leftovers - my family has an awesome tradition of making turkey tamales during Thanksgiving weekend. Once again, yummy & it generates several dinners that can be prepared in about 15 minutes.

6. Our relationship with Kat's mom - I thank God for this on a regular basis, but I've been hearing so much about family strife during the holidays. I am very happy that it is so easy to organize the holidays with her

7. And looking on the bright side - Thanksgiving isn't turning out to be what I hoped. Some family members are ill, some have obligations with their other families, etc. so ours will be a small celebration. But I love the folks who will be here dearly and I am so happy we will be together. The others will be in our thoughts, prayers and on the other end of the phone. And we have less dishes to do, a smaller turkey to cook, & more pie to go around!


Anonymous said...

Love your gratitude list, Heather! More pie to go around sounds good to me. :)

I wish you and your family a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving!! :)

Tara said...

We hope your Turkey day is good and festive. We'll be thinking about you all. Much love!

Chris said...

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Love your list and your attitude! Hope it turns out to be a wonderful holiday for you!

Kimmie Kay said...

Great list Heather! You're right about the Reynolds turkey bag too...couldn't do without it here either. The turkey tamales are an awesome idea too...could you Fed Ex us some?!