Monday, January 7, 2008

Random Bits O' Fun

Bored yet? A few more Christmas vacation pics - less Christmas, more vacation. Here's Kat, Dad & me at the ski area on Christmas Eve.
Gotta love this - I wore my brother's snow board helmet at the ski area:
If you can't read it, it says, "Ride Naked: It'll add color to your cheeks" HA!

Here we are at Turkey Creek on 12/26. Crazy me carried Laney out a ways on a pair of cross country skis. The extra 25+ pounds make an easy trek a bit more difficult.Dad carried her back for me.
Rob & Kat spent most of their time going up and down the sled hill. Unfortunately, none of the video was digital - they were catching serious air. (And unfortunately, Rob almost caught a barb wire fence once)
We got Kat & Rob out on the skis for a bit too.
These are on the porch on 12/27 before we went to ski on Lake Pagosa. Rory got to go on that one - she loves cold weather and snow, but wasn't feeling well the day we went to Turkey Creek. Apparently, frozen water is WAY better than the non-frozen kind.
Rob opted to snow shoe instead of ski. This ski was not a pleasant as the previous days, we had wind & snow. I think the high that day was 17.
We're not too sure how Elena felt about snow - she seemed a little dazed everytime we went out. This last trip around the lake she was actually starting to throw the snow that had landed in the sled with her and seemed to be having fun.
12/28 we visited some family friends. This is the view from their front yard. Jealous?
Here's the girls in front of the apartments.
My future snow boarder gets some practice. We're still in discussions as to wether or not she will be allowed to "Ride Naked".
Oh, and one more little gem from the ride home. We stopped at Applebees in Amarillo for dinner and of course the pooch had to stay in the car. When we get back, what do we find?

There's just no explaining to this dog that she doesn't weigh enough to ride in a forward facing car seat!

Unfortunately, I have no way of showing you what Elena did when she saw this. She sat in Rob's arms and shook her finger at the dog, saying, "No no! No no!" A funny ending to a great trip.


Anonymous said...

okay, i love that helmet you were wearing, heather!! haha! Ride Naked! Classic.

The pictures are great! I have never been skiing. but i really wanna do it now!

Chris said...

That pic of Elena with your dad is great. She looks so FREAKIN cute in that snow suit! Love the doggie pic too....that's cute what Laney said.

Melanie said...

Great pictures! I love all of them. But the gos in the carseat is a riot!

MBKimmy said...

OMG I LOVE the picture of the dog in the car seat! That is awesome! NO NO NO ... haha priceless!

Angela said...

I love all the snow. I am so jealous...I wish it would snow here so my kids could enjoy, but I do not think that is going to happen.

The girls look so cute in their snow gear. Glad you had a great trip.