Monday, January 14, 2008

Weekend Update

We did a few things this weekend, nothing too terribly special though. We took advantage of the gorgeous weather and took the bikes out on Saturday morning.

We also became the proud owners of a bouncing baby open holed flute. Kathryn needed an upgrade for competition season and high school concert season. We'll probably own two by the end of January - we've only got a little over $100 left on the beginner flute and it's been recommended we keep it for Kathryn to play when she's marching outdoors.
And, we said good bye to the sleeping bags! To explain, I have to tell you we own a water bed. Yup pure 70s kitsch - actually it's a really nice semi-motionless with a poster canopy frame and my favorite feature, the heater. So nice to climb into a warm bed on a cold winters night. Well, my favorite feature has been slowly going out on us for over a year and was completely dead when we go home from our vacation. An entire queen sized matress full of water can get VERY cold. In order to have a place to sleep while we waited for the new heater to be shipped, we've been sleeping in sleeping bags on top of the bed. But no more, the heater's here, it's installed and its lov-e-ly.

Sunday in a nut shell - uncomfortable conversations in Sunday School, we nearly got suckered into a new ministry we don't really want to do & don't have the time for, Laney took a 4 hour nap & I got a 2 hour one, and we went and played Mexican Train with our church small group.


Tara said...

Cute pic of Laney. I understand about not having time at church. We just rejoined our prev church and I'm going to have to remember to say NO this time around.

MBKimmy said...

So glad you could get your warm bed back up and running!

Kimmie Kay said...

LOVE the flute, it's gorgeous! I played flute from 5th grade to college and piccolo in marching band. I am a proud band geek, LOL! Hooray for Kathryn!!! :)

Chris said...

FOUR HOUR NAP??? MY GOSH...tell me what you did???? I am lucky to get 2 hours out of Lindsay on the weekend but it's usually more like an hour or a bit longer.

Glad your heater is back in working order...that could not have been fun!

Very cute pic of Laney in her helmet!

Anonymous said...

water bed! awww, yeah!my MA had one of them and we busted it when we were kids! made our very own water park in her bedroom. my booty still hurts from the spankings i got!!

Have a Wonderful Wednesday, Heather!