Thursday, January 10, 2008

Toddler vs. Teenager

Okay, I know God had a reason for the spacing between my kids, but lately it's a little riduculous. Laney seems to be determined to be advanced in everything, including the terrible twos which she is hitting at 16 months. Kathryn is THIRTEEN and it's starting to show. Yesterday for example:

Morning: Near argument with Kat about the fact that she decided a nearly sleeveless shirt and a light weight sweatshirt was enough in the 40 degree morning. Apparently, it's not cool to dress for the weather.

Elena screams for her binkie in the car. Then throws it somewhere I can't reach and keeps screaming.

Afternoon: I get news about a less than stellar report card from Kat.
Laney, who is being weaned from the binkie (we're down to bedtime & the trip to day care, not the trip home) screams for her binkie about half the way home.

Evening: More fallout from the report card and what I have lovingly come to refer to as the dinner wars. Elena is almost always starving by the time we eat and then alternates shoving food in her face and crying during dinner.

Middle of the night: Luckily, just the toddler - ah, molars, aren't they fun. Luckily after Motrin & 30 minutes of quiet time in Dad's chair I got her back in bed.

I'm pooped. Thanks for the vent.

And some funny for your trouble - a lady in Iowa has declared herself the meanest mom ever via the classified in the Des Moines Register:

"OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don’t love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet."


Angela said...

That is hilarious about the meanest mom. Isn't it funny how just trying to do the right things for your kids can make you feel so guilty. What is up with that? Hopefully your weekend will be better.

MBKimmy said...

That add in the paper is freaking great! Good luck with 2's and teens ... both I am sure I will be venting about!

Anonymous said...

girl, wait till ya hit 3 and 4!! oh, fun fun fun!! :)

The ad is awesome!!

Hope you're having a great weekend, girlfriend!

Melanie said...

Good luck. Sometimes I think that the 3's aren't any better! I don't know about teens yet.....kinda makes me want to scream just thinking about it!!

That ad was hilarious!

Caron said...

Ohhhh... the teenage battle is one I'm just not ready for!! I'm thinking of you, girl!!

Oh, and awesome ski pics!! That is my next post... hopefully I'll get it up later tonight. I bet you all had a blast?? Where did y'all ski?

Chris said...

That's hysterical! Yes, I've been feeling as of late that Lindsay has been acting more 2ish than
1ish herself~!