Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Update on the Fam

We've all got colds. It's Laney's first. Not a milestone I was looking forward to. She seemed to be doing better, but apparently the sitter had to use the asperator a lot today. The pediatrician said this could last up to 10 days and we can't do anything but use saline and asparate and try to loosen the stuff up by using a humidifier or a steamy bathroom. At least she's still in a good mood.

Hard to believe how fast time passes. My nephew, Evan turned 6 weeks old today and my other nephew is due on Monday. Laney turns 5 months on Tuesday.

Kathryn has taken to playing on the floor with her little sister after we get home in the evenings. She particularly likes to set up the play dome. They can actually get in there with together. Both sisters seem to enjoy it.

Any excuse to post a bathtub pic - Cute ain't it? That baby loves water.

Despite the runny noses, life is good.

Oh and update on my earlier rant - we had a guy out to give us a quote on vinyl siding. We got a reasonable one that we can probably afford in a few months and he said "From the street I couldn't tell you need new siding". Would have been nice if the HOA had actually come and looked at our house, huh?


Tara said...

Sorry you're all sick. Feel better soon. Kathryn and Elena look cute together!

Katy S. said...

At least she is a happy sick one. Tara is right, the girls look so cute together. Happy asperating!!