Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Two Fives Today

Last night was the fifth night in a row Elena made it through the night! She started sleeping through the night (meaning 9 or 10 PM to sometime between 4 and 6 AM) a week or two before Christmas. Then, the week after New Years (right when I started my longer hours at work, talk about guilt!) she starts needing to eat at 11 or 12 PM and then snacking at 3 AM. This went on until last week. So 5 nights in a row, we'll see how long it lasts this time.

Second, happy 5 month birthday, Elena!
Elena gets in some gym time earlier this evening
Playing peekaboo with the leg of the gym

One plum tuckered five month old, drool and all.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Happy 5 months, Elena! I'm glad to hear she's sleeping during the night and giving you all some rest.