Monday, August 27, 2007

The 8th Grader & The Bear

Big day for both the girls - so we dressed appropriately
Elena joined a new class at day care today - the Bears. Each class has an animal designation and the Walkers class is the bears.
Kathryn started the 8th grade and they pretty much act like monkeys. You know "Monkey See, Monkey Do. . ." I kid. Actually, she wore this because it was one of the new shirts Katy and Tara bought her while we were in Georgia.
Kat was ready to go, not a worry about eight grade was apparent. The bus was late because it's a brand new driver. She enjoyed her first day of school - except for the math test! She's in the Honor (highest) Band and Art 1. Rob and I just finished all of our homework. Man, there's a lot of forms to sign and checks to write.
I worried a bit about Elena adjusting to her new class. On our way in to day care we ran into Elena's teacher from her previous class (of all of 3 days ago). She immediately leaned over for Ms. Anne to hold her. I took advantage of the moment and took a pic. But when I tried to take Elena back she was having none of it. Ms. Anne had to walk us to Laney's new class. I was afraid she'd get upset when Anne left, but once she was on the floor with the toys and one of her classmates that was promoted with her she was fine. Thank goodness.

The Bears class is different from the Bunnies (crawlers). They don't have cribs, they nap on mats - at a scheduled time (eek!) and they eat at a table rather than in high chairs. Oh, and apparently they bite. Someone bit Laney on the right leg today. I understand this happens at this age and I am not upset (kind of happy Laney was the bitee and not the biter) but what a first day!


Tara said...

Sounds like you have your hands full. I love the overall and I still love Kathryn's t-shirt. Glad things went well today and hopefully Laney won't get bitten much more.

Katy S. said...

I love the class names. I second the ewww on the scheduled naps. But I guess it will be better for them (or so they say). I was very happy to see my 8th grader in the shirt she picked out.

Katy S. said...

BTW happy 100 blog entrys!!!!!!

MBKimmy said...

Love the pictures ... and the biting thing ... I have read about it! So sorry she was bit but it does happen ... have a great week!

Chris said...

Sorry to hear poor Laney got bit. Glad it was nothing major. It hasn't happened to us yet but I'm bracing myself for it.

Anonymous said...

Joe got bit 3 times when he was in mother's morning out at 18 months. i was not happy. your girls look great! love the bear overalls and monkey shirt!

Angela said...

Wow and math test and a bite all on the first day!! Poor things. I hope the rest of the week is better. She looks so cute in her "bear" suit.